Saturday, September 6, 2008

Interpretation of Dreams - Sigmund Freud


Sigmund Freud, the greatest psychologist known ever, has written an excellent book on the Interpretation of Dreams.. Its worth reading once for people who are interested in knowing things of such sort.. I know this is not exactly a novel, but I like this book.. Thats why, am adding this to my novels library list..

Alert for Hogwarts Students:
You can use this for your homeworks on Dream Interpretations for Sybill Trelawney's Divination classes.. ;-)


Enid Blyton - Famous Five

Click Here to Download ENID BLYTON'S FAMOUS FIVE series

Download all the Famous Five Series of Enid Blyton illustrated..

One Night @ The Call Center - Chetan Bhagat

Click Here To Download One Night @ The Call Center by Chetan Bhagat

Its a typical night at the call center.
One complaining customer after another.
And, as if that was not bad enough, Shyam has to
sit opposite Priyanka, the girl who's just dumped
him, as well as deal with Bakshi, his insufferable
supervisor. But on this night of
a thousand calls, when life couldn't look more
uninspiring for Shyam and his friends, a unique
caller gets on the line.
And changes everything ---- forever...

One of the Chetan Bhagat's master pieces..

Note: The book which you'll download from the above link is a complete book.. Even though the page numbers start from 494, dont panic, its complete.. the page with 494 no. is actually the 1st page.. Enjoy the book


5 Point Someone - Chetan Bhagat

Click Here to Download 5 POINT SOMEONE by CHETAN BHAGAT

Welcome to Five Point Someone. This is not a book to teach you how to get into IIT or even survive it. In fact, it describes how bad things can get if you don’t think straight. Funny, dark and non-stop, Five Point Someone is the story of three friends whose measly five-point something GPAs come in the way of everything – their friendship, their love life, their future. Will they make it?

Five reasons why Hari, Ryan and Alok’s lives are in a complete mess:
01. They’ve messed up their grades big time.
02. Alok and Ryan can’t stop bickering with each other.
03. Hari is smitten with Neha who happens to be Prof Cherian’s daughter.
04. As IITians, they’re expected to conquer the world, something they know isn’t likely to happen.
05. They’re with each other

Chetan Bhagat's Debut novel.. Awesome book..

The Three Mistakes of My Life - Chetan Bhagat


It is not everyday you sit in front of your computer on a Saturday morning and get an email like this:
From: Sent: 12/28/2005 11.40 p.m.
Subject: A final note
Dear Chetan
This email is a combined suicide note and a confession letter. I have let people down and have no reason to live. You don't know me. I'm an ordinary boy in Ahmedabad who read your books. And somehow I felt I could write to you after that. I can't really tell anyone what I am doing to myself - which is taking a sleeping pill everytime I end a sentence - so I thought I would tell you.
I kept my coffee cup down and counted. Five full stops already
I made three mistakes; I don't want to go into details.
My suicide is not a sentimental decision. As many around me know, I am a good businessman because I have little emotion. This is no knee-jerk reaction. I waited over three years, watched Ish's silent face everyday. But after he refused my offer yesterday, I had no choice left.
I have no regrets either. Maybe I'd have wanted to talk to Vidya once more – but that doesn't seem like such a good idea right now.
Sorry to bother you with this. But I felt like I had to tell someone. You have ways to improve as an author but you do write decent books. Have a nice weekend.