Saturday, September 6, 2008

One Night @ The Call Center - Chetan Bhagat

Click Here To Download One Night @ The Call Center by Chetan Bhagat

Its a typical night at the call center.
One complaining customer after another.
And, as if that was not bad enough, Shyam has to
sit opposite Priyanka, the girl who's just dumped
him, as well as deal with Bakshi, his insufferable
supervisor. But on this night of
a thousand calls, when life couldn't look more
uninspiring for Shyam and his friends, a unique
caller gets on the line.
And changes everything ---- forever...

One of the Chetan Bhagat's master pieces..

Note: The book which you'll download from the above link is a complete book.. Even though the page numbers start from 494, dont panic, its complete.. the page with 494 no. is actually the 1st page.. Enjoy the book


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